— Bob Ticer —
The Aspiring Writer

Book Cover: Gravity Cause Explained, by Bob Ticer

Gravity Cause Explained

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Book Cover: The Alien Stranger, by Bob Ticer

The Alien Stranger

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Book Cover: A Diamond Bomb Threat, by Bob Ticer

A Diamond Bomb Threat

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FREE Download: Modifying General Relativity

This document is a slight modification of General Relativity. A particular aspect of it is with regard to slower light speed being according to a Schwarzschild metric. There are deniers of slower light speed, but there is also confusion. Einstein explained gravity as space-time curvature, but local clocks are slower in a gravitational field and light needs to be slower for it not to be perceived as faster. Although gravity can curve light for there to be black holes, it can be slowed as well.

FREE Download: Gravity Cause Explained

Einstein had a unified field theory. I discovered the step whereby general relativity combines with special relativity and so on. Black hole cosmology is part of it. The Hubble constant equates the ratio of gravitational to electromagnetic mass.

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